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Conference and 10-Week Study

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"The turnaround in our marriage is a miracle and is a profound event in my lifeā€¦we have had hard discussions since I finished the (Love & Respect) book and since we attended the conference, but not one has turned into an argument. We have had disagreements, but not disconnection. Every hard discussion has resulted in a deeper level of intimacy in our marriage. I never thought this was possible. God is able to do immeasurably more than we ever ask or imagine."

I Never Thought This Was Possible

"This is our second conference - 14 years apart. An even better experience for us both - with age perhaps comes wisdom. We traveled with 5 couples from our church and met up with our son, his fiance and four more couples in their group. All learned a great deal, andĀ  were motivated to put the lessons into practice. Thank you so much for the blessing of your ministry and counsel."

Multiple Generations and Group Attend!

"We watched the videos of your conferenceā€¦I cry as I write this, because it was almost immediately that our marriage began to be restoredā€¦(my husband) said he could not stand to be away from his family any longer and he asked the kids and I to be with him. What makes this a miracle was that we didnā€™t go back into the same broken marriage, but instead into one that was healed. The way that we treated each other was completely different. The understanding that we had for each other was completely different. I cannot thank you enough for what one book and one video didā€¦We now try to help other relationships around us and even recommend your book to others. We simply spread the same message that you shared with us. We have watched as it has helped others around us. Our hearts are with those relationships that seem impossible to mendā€¦(we want to share) that people can and DO change. We are 100% proof of thatā€¦ We know that this miracle came from God through your message. Thank you so very much for sharing this message with us. You saved our family."

Almost Immediately Our Marriage Began to be Restored

"I am one of five kids, and since I can remember my parents have constantly been fighting and bitter towards each otherā€¦It was finally to the breaking pointā€¦We no longer cared what happened, as long as the fighting and the yelling and the hatred and the bitterness stopped. I have spared you the details, but to kids growing up in a home like that, it was hellā€¦About a year ago, after going to countless seminars, numerous marriage counselors, and who knows how many books, they discovered the Love & Respect series. To the rest of us it was just another stab in the dark and the seemingly obvious expectation of a divorce was still there. When my parents did a complete 180-degree turn around, it was very difficult not to be still in denial and hurt and expect it not to last too long. It was definitely something I would call, without any doubt, a miracle. Something that would have been impossible had it not been for Godā€™s grace and compassion. When they went from twenty-two years of hating each other, to holding hands, going out on dates and cuddling overnight, I could not believe it. They are now a very happy couple and plan on re-doing their wedding vows for their twenty-fifth anniversary. It saved our family (and) it saved our lives."

Adult Child
The Adult Kids Called Their Parentā€™s Marital Turn-Around a Miracle

"My husband and I attended the Love and Respect Conference. We have been married for 31 years; committed, but not always happy. As we chaotically plunged through our 40ā€™s, we created a lot of devastation in our relationship. For some years, my husband did not say ā€œI love you.ā€ā€¦ He refused to talk about anything of significance. Emotionally, he had shut down and consequently, did not try to connect with me in any way. For a long time, I chafed under this treatmentā€¦This is how we were when we came to the conference. I was actually afraid that he would be more annoyed than anything else. BUTā€¦As a wonderful, undeserved gift from the Father who so incredibly bestows good things on his children, God opened my husbandā€™s heartā€¦ he became a changed man. A man who loves me, adores me, apologizes to me quicklyā€¦and talks to me all the time. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thank you for being willing to share the message of love and respect across our nation. I am forever grateful."

Married 31 Years but Had Not Received Godā€™s Wonderful Gift

"After 13 years I can finally say our marriage is truly like a dream. It is unbelievable how tender and fun and honest and caring and loving and joyful and playful and kind and intimate and generous and forgiving and sincere and giving and wonderful our marriage is. It is a MIRACLE. And only with Godā€™s guidance in His Word and from your Love and Respect series has this been possible."

After 13 Years Our Marriage is Like a Dreamā€¦Itā€™s a Miracle!

"LOTS to tell you about our journey ā€“ really a miracle. But let me give you one short example. Yesterday we were going to meet our son for brunch. We decided what time we would leave (I am a time guy ā€“ guess it goes with my job). At one minute before we were supposed to leave, she said, ā€œI will be right there ā€“ go on to the car.ā€ 10 minutes (which to me seemed like 10 hours) went by. She came out and got in the car ā€“ and let me add it is not unusual for this scenario to happen ā€“ and she normally would say, ā€œYou are just such a control freak where time is concerned. Donā€™t even start with me.ā€ Yesterday she got in the car (and I had already decided to be loving ā€“ as if Jesus was getting in the car late ā€“ which He would never do!). She looked at me and said, ā€œIt was horribly disrespectful of me to be late. I am so very sorry. I should have gotten ready and then sorted the laundry. Will you forgive me?ā€ I almost drove off into the grass. Soā€¦God is really working ā€“ in both of us. Probably no way to ever thank you. Ever. I am telling everyone about the DVD series and trying to get our pastor to show it at church on Sunday mornings."

I Almost Drove Off Into the Grass!

"I had been praying for a miracle in my marriageā€¦a big oneā€¦but felt all hope was lost. I began to make plans on picking up the pieces alone. Then we attended the Love and Respect conference. (My husband) slept in the car on the way to the meeting and I thought ā€œI wasted $50 we donā€™t have.ā€ (But) something happened when you got up and started speaking. My husband woke up. When we leftā€¦he apologized for not being a good husband and wants to make things better. I apologized to him for my attitudes. Things are starting to turn around. Thank you and please keep us in your prayers."

I Had Been Praying For a Miracleā€¦Thenā€¦Something Happened!

"My husband and I attended your Love and Respect conferenceā€¦it was AWESOME! (We have) witnessed miraclesā€¦ (Later) we decided we were at a place where we wanted to help others with the help we had received. Our first and only choice on what topic we should lead was Love and Respect!! It was a no brainer!! This concept had played a pivotal role in changing the tide in our marriage from divorce to reconciliation. We have since led the Love and Respect small group 8 times (around 100 couples)ā€¦We have an intense desire to help marriages, and we believe if two stubborn, selfish people like us could let God change our hearts, well anyone can!! Your ministry helped save our marriage! If it was not for your book we would be unhappy, bitter, divorced parents continuing a legacy of divorce and a broken family to our beautiful children. We were so happy we had the opportunity to come to a live conference."

From Divorce to Reconciliation

"Well a miracle happened! I read the Love and Respect book entirely last weekā€¦As we went thru the (Love and Respect) DVDs I could feel a gentle release of the pain that gripped our marriage for 22 years. Rather than a ā€œlight-bulbā€ moment, itā€™s been more of a dimmer switch getting brighter with the hope weā€™ll be OK now that we have some tools for an even better marriage. A softening has occurredā€¦We are already teaching the kids some of the principles and have decided to re-watch the DVDs with the kids. We believe this can help them from many of the pitfalls we fell for and we can all ā€œpracticeā€ Love and Respect on each otherā€¦I realize these principles were in the Bible all along; however we missed it!ā€¦ You have a way of delivering the message in such spot on accuracy wrapped in humor, so we can swallow it better. Makes me think youā€™re the ā€œMary Poppins of Marriageā€ with your ā€œspoonful of humor to make the painful truth go down!ā€"

A Gentle Release of the Pain

"We received our Love & Respect DVDs in the mail today and we just wanted to let you know how excited we are to finally be getting our brothers, sisters, cousins and their spouses and fiancƩs (and some singles) together to watch them. (Our friends) have done several small groups with their set of DVDs over the last three years, and have seen so many miracles as marriages are strengthened and restored!"

Strengthened and Restored

"I went to church and prayed and prayed for reconciliation. My ex-husbandā€¦ confessed about a year ago that he wanted to try again. My heart soared with emotion! Glory to God! Could this be true? I thought it was done and over, but God had other ideas. The ā€œstory of usā€ was far from over. The past few months have been heavenly, and I owe it all to Christā€™s message and your delivery of that messageā€¦I had attempted to try marriage counseling or retreats with (my husband) before, but they were always under a cloud of problems and heartache. This was differentā€¦Instead of moving in two different directions, we were moving as one. After purchasing the book, we attended the conference together and I was over the moon that he wanted to goā€¦and it was life changing for us. We held hands at the ā€œceremonyā€ at the end of the conference and prayedā€¦These are the miracles that God performs. It is all in Godā€™s timing."

The Past Few Months Have Been Heavenly

"After I heard the Love and Respect message I bought the CDs and sent it to (my husband)ā€¦I asked him if he would listen to this prayerfully and let me know if he thought there was hope for us. I then attended the seminarā€¦Hope and confidence that this was a ā€œGodā€ thing grew in both of us and fears began to dissipate. God began to do miracles in each of our hearts, and we could each see how God had been changing our hearts in various ways while we were apart, and we had no idea we were both experiencing that. We both got a copy of the Love and Respect book and were reading it over the phone and talking through our past difficulties and differences.ā€¦.we began checking out the DVDs ā€¦We were amazed at how God confirmed time and again that it was Him doing it. We experienced open door after open door, and undoubtable miracles along the way confirming His will for us."

Fears Dissipated

"We have been married 14 years & never have we done anything together to serve the Lordā€™s people. My friend basically stuck your DVD series in my face & said, ā€œYouā€™ve got to watch this!ā€ My husband & I did. In fact, we still are for the 2nd time around. Just yesterday my husband said, ā€œWe are supposed to call couples so we can pray together.ā€ This is not the ā€œnormā€ for my husband. To invite people into our home so we can talk & be transparentā€¦Wow! We look forward to God using our miracle in marriage to help other marriages not fail but succeed Godā€™s way! Amen!"

Youā€™ve Got to Watch This!

"We attended the conference and want to let you know how blessed we were by the truth you spoke. God has used your message to transform us and our marriage. We are amazed at the miracle and work He is doing in us individually and in our marriage. Your message of love & respect gave us a great start, and God has been gracious to help us along in the journey."

This Message Transformed Us

"I want to thank you for helping me get my marriage back! The divorce papers were in the car and Iā€™d only promised to go to the conference because our daughter begged me to. Iā€™d tried for months with my spouse; we were separated, tried counseling, prayer, and after 16 years I knew it was overā€¦ (During the third session) I could feel my heart being touched by Godā€¦(What took place between us) has NEVER happened before and I want to tell you that we are reconciled, Iā€™ve stopped the divorceā€¦weā€™ve spoken to our daughter and shared with her our change of heart and we say thank you. There is no doubt in my life that Iā€™m watching a miracle in action and I say, bless you for your time and effort."

The Divorce Papers Were in the Car

"Love and Respectā€¦is a miracle in my life. My husband and I have been separated for over a year now. In January, my husband began to move back in my direction in an attempt to reconcile our marriage. I felt the Lord telling me to give this marriage a chance again. But, I didnā€™t have the tools to solve any of our past messes. I was blindly obedient to the Lord and just walked and waited for Him to reveal how this would all come together. And the Lord put the Love and Respect book in my path in February. I began reading the book the day I bought it. I was shocked and blown away by the truth that was written page after page. I began to see my half in the mess and better yet, I began to see how to resolve our problems and reconcile our marriage. Then I ordered the Love and Respect Marriage Conferenceā€¦and I am even more convicted and profoundly impacted. I really, really made huge mistakes. I have read so many marriage self-help books and nothing compares to the knowledge and wisdom that is found in this Love and Respect concept. I am excited and hopeful for my marriage and I canā€™t help but want to shout it from a mountain top. I want everyone to know this truth (that) will save marriagesā€¦I walk in faith each day as our marriage is rebuiltā€¦Truly this work and information is a miracle in my lifeā€¦Everyone needs to know and hear the truth that has set me free! May the Lord richly bless you as you have blessed me!"

I Want Everyone to Know This Truth

"I do not have a ā€˜sudden miracleā€™ story for you currently, but I do believe a miracle is happening gradually in our marriage relationship. My husband and I are going to see a counselorā€¦and he initiated this! Although he said at the conference that he felt we were ā€˜beyond thisā€™ in terms of the answers we need, he has noticeably softened since, and I know I have changed my attitude as a result of the heart-changing, mind-renewing message you shared."

A Miracle Is Happening In Our Marriage

"I am gifting this to a young couple that just got married, your product played a crucial role in saving my marriage and I want to pass along the education to a young couple so they skip the crazy cycle early on. Iā€™m also really into your old podcasts right now, awesome refreshers! Thanks again."

...your product played a crucial role in saving my marriage

"A wonderful change in our relationship began and we both tried to be understanding of each other. Your course just fit in perfectly and filled in the missing piecesā€¦We are to respect our differences. Laughter and peace has come into our home again. Thank you! (My husband) and I had several opportunities to share the principles of Love and Respect with several other Christian couples and of how God was working in our lives and marriageā€¦Already we have had some couples into our home and shared our experience and then we sit and play your CD and end it by praying a prayer of forgiveness and healing for our relationships."

A Wonderful Change in Our Relationshipā€¦A Miracle Breakthrough

"Love and Respect was nothing short of a miracle in saving my marriage, and I would love the opportunity to make others aware of your Ministry and what it can do for a marriage. I hold a Masterā€™s degree in Counseling, and I am a Christianā€¦Thank you so much, and God Bless you both for saving my marriage."

A Counselor Experiences a Miracle

"One of Godā€™s miracles in all of this is (we) made a commitment to go for counseling and the person that gave us the counseling used all his teaching based on Love and Respect. First we had to re-read your book, then we went through your 5 DVDs on Love and Respectā€¦with obedience, faith, patience and with (the) Love and Respect teaching God worked His plans His wayā€¦.Yes we both have acknowledged that it takes two to tango and we were in all aspects of our lives on the crazy cycle. We are now committed to always work our way through life by putting God first and to stay off of the crazy cycle."

God Worked His Plan

"The changes in my marriage are so drastic that it can only be attributed to a miracleā€¦my life will NEVER be the same. I will, with Godā€™s help, ALWAYS seek God and His ways. My marriage has changed and my children will be blessed because of it. This truly does make a difference for generations to come."

The Changes in My Marriage Can Only Be Attributed to a Miracle!

"My own experiences along with your advice have resulted in a miracle in my life. I enjoy my husband as I did when we were courting (more, even). Our sex life has improved 100% as I find respecting my husband a turn-on (believe it or not). Today, he gets more than enough respect (and sex) and I get all the love and protection that I could ever want. There is now great joy in my marriage thanks to your help."

A Miracle in My Lifeā€¦ Great Joy in My Marriage!

"Every session resonated with me on many levels. Not being very religious person it has brought me closer to God's Word and how to live my life not for my spouse but for HIM. For yearsĀ I thought marriage was all about love but could not understand how my spouse could treat [me] that way if she loves me.Ā I have now realized what that empty feeling in my stomach was. It was RESPECT for me and LOVE for her.Ā  Mind blown. It's not about right and wrong but mutual understanding.Ā Wish I had watched this my spouse 6 months [ago] as we probably would not be separated if we saw the videos together."

Wished they had watched before separating

"My husband and I are married 18 years and are a blended family. We have done love and respect 4 times!!!Ā  We purchased the conference and used it for 3 bible studies in our home over the years and have seen many marriages transformed. Ā Three were saved from the verge of divorce and are thriving wonderfully."

Marriages Transformed and Saved From Divorce

"Please let me say that I have enjoyed your material for quite a while. Several years ago I purchased a DVD set of an earlier seminar that I and my wife have watched several times together. I still like to sit down with the DVD's and freshen up my understanding of the marriage relationship."

Watches Again For Greater Understanding

"My wife and I attended a Conference Live In-Person a few years back and it changed our marriage.Ā We were frustrated, as this is our second marriage each,ā€¦ we so much wanted to glorify God but we seemed to be doing so much wrong.Ā We walked out during a break, looked up at the sky and simultaneously, shouted "I get it!".Ā  Our marriage has been tremendous ever since (sure we have crazy cycles, but they are so rare & short lived nowadays and truly lead to resolve).Ā In fact, the Holy Sprit moved upon my wife one Sunday morning and after following the right steps we became Pre-marriage Mentors at our church for the past 3 years now - we LOVE it. We are looking forward to going through the Conference again and having this material at our fingertips for reference.Ā "My Response is my Responsibility" has been tremendously helpful not only for our marriage but in so many other areas of our life."

Look Forward to Watching Again

"Just wanted to pass along a thank you for all that you have done in bringing this critically important scriptural truth to the church and world. My wife and I saw the application of this material help us take our very good marriage to one of tremendous mutual blessing! We have now taught the first small group version as well as the subsequent two video small group versions to over 50 couples over the past decade, and without fail it has had a positive life changing impact on them. In fact, one of our first couples, who were struggling, now Co-lead our small group with us, and have drawn so much closer to Jesus, and to each other, and that started with their exposure to Love and Respect. Again, thank you for your faithfulness to Him."

Good Marriage to One of Tremendous Mutual Blessing!

"My husband and I just attended your conferenceā€¦, which we greatly enjoyed. Today is also our precious daughter [s]ā€¦ birthday and I wanted you to know that she would not be here if not for Godā€™s intervention in our lives through your Love and Respect book 9 years ago which saved our marriage.ā€¦I had filed for divorce and moved thousands of miles away to be near my family and started my dream job. I was not just one foot out the door, I was entirely out of the door after years and years of struggling . After 8 years of marriage, I was without hope and hated my husband. We had been to counselingā€¦had even been to several Christian family conferences. However, some of the sin strongholdsā€¦ had nearly put the nail in the coffin of our marriage. During that year, my husband deployedā€¦, which was according to him, the darkest place on earth where hopelessness and temptation have a stronghold. He had other deployments and after each one he came back more distant and changed. However, this deployment was different. My husband met his best friend and brother in Christ and they began bible study in that dark place. My husband came across your book at the library there (a God thing of course) and began to pursue me relentlessly even from thousands of miles away. It took a long time for me to reach the point where I was at and it took a true miracle to soften my hardened heart. He started with apologies to me and others in our lives he had hurt. Then he began writing me love letters, telling my how amazing and irreplaceable I was. He kept telling me that he was not doing this to win me back, but he was doing this because of the commitment he made to God to be my husband, which had nothing to do with the way I treated him. He sent me flowers, drawings and gifts. For weeks I would not take his phone calls except so he could talk to our young son because I was so angry and afraid to love. I was cruel, and skeptical and he kept loving me unconditionally in spite of this. I will never be able to explain the transformation in my willingness to reconcile and see it as a miracle. One day I saw him as my enemy and the next, I was completely in love with him again and saw him as my warrior, hero, and resolute protector. When people ask me how we could reconcile, I tell them without hesitation that it was God and your book that saved our marriage. When he returned, we canceled the divorce proceedings and reconciled. Shortly thereafter we conceived our little girl. We now have a Godly marriage and are much stronger than ever. Thank you so much for writing this book and saving marriages. There is a special place in our hearts for military families and I pray that the Love and Respect message continues to make its way to bible studies and libraries in the darkest corners of the world."

Divorce Cancelled

"My wife and I saw your videos around 5 years ago for the first time and we loved your teachings. We were impressed by how you clearly explained Godā€™s plan for our marriage. However, recently we have had a rough patch and seemed to have forgotten those principles. As by divine intervention, my wife saw an advertisement for the Love and Respect conference taking place near us and she signed us up for it though she was still hurting. We attended this weekend and I will say that it has renewed our commitment to each other. I will say that the live event was even better than what we expected. Thank you for your ministry and may the Lord continue using you."

Refresher After Tough Season

"Love and Respect has an amazing strategy that we noticed immediately. It has a biblical foundation, keeping Christ in the center of our daily lives, and the amazing message of the gospel and how to receive salvation. It is realistic and demonstrates scenarios based on daily life. Love and Respect has helped us to better understand each other and how to think about our actions before you commit them. The course is so powerful spiritually that it has ignited both of us not only to improve but also to start getting engaged in the field of marriage and the gospel. Love and Respect is truly a blessing."

Biblical foundation, keeping Christ in the center of our daily lives

What You Will Learn - The Sessions

Why We Negatively React

Crazy Cycle: Part 1 (49:50)
Crazy Cycle: Part 2 (33:23)

How We Motivate Each Other

Energizing Cycle: Wives (41:51)
Energizing Cycle: Part 2 (49:53)
Energizing Cycle: Husbands (49:31)
Energizing Cycle: Part 2 (41:32)
Sarah’s Application: Part 1 (33:07)
Sarah’s Application: Part 2 (43:09)

How To Respond When The Other Does Not

Rewarded Cycle: Part 1 (36:21)
Rewarded Cycle: Part 2 (35:13)

Things To Consider


10 HD Video Sessions

Anytime, Anywhere

Phone, Tablet or Mobile 

$99 Unlimited Access

Learn, Engage, Help Others

Includes Full PDF Workbook

In-session guide, Discussion questions, Mid-week devotional

Money Back Guarantee

Full refunds up to 30 days after purchase.

Close Captioning

For the hearing impaired or to not disturb others

Individuals, Couples and Groups

Lots of options for study

Less Than One Session

Much less expensive than counseling

Hardcopy Workbook

Want more than the PDF? Purchase a print version

Conference Trailer


People Rave About the Conference...

more clearly your need to feel loved.

more clearly your need for respect.

you are not trying to be unloving.

you are not trying to be disrespectful.

you each negatively react to each other.

your spouse in the one way that works best.

to deal with an unresponsive spouse.

how to show love and respect in practical ways.

Meet Emerson and Sarah

Excited yet burdened about male and female relationships, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and his wife Sarah launched the Love & Respect Conferences in 1999. Based on over three decades of counseling as well as scientific and biblical research, this conference has given hope and new life to thousands of marriages. It is a great resource for your personal or counseling library.

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  • DVDs
  • 2 Workbooks
  • Small Group Kit Option! ($199)
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